Pick your words with love and care, like flowers if you may. The wind will spread their fragrance far and away.

Nothing is worth more than this day. – Goethe

Nothing is worth more than this day. – Goethe

Grow through life.

Grow through life.

Grow through life.

Random doodles…

Random doodles…

Random doodles…

Breathe easy

If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you’ll always look lovely – Roald Dahl

If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you’ll always look lovely – Roald Dahl

Throughout our day, we produce energies of thought, speech, and action. We’re communicating in every moment, either with ourselves or with others. Thinking, speech, and bodily acts are our own manifestations. You are your action. You are what you do, not only what you do with your body, but also with your words and your mind. Karma is a triple action of our thoughts, our speech, and our bodily actions.

Here are some notes from the book, The Art of Communicating by Thich Nhat Hanh…

Throughout our day, we produce energies of thought, speech, and action. We’re communicating in every moment, either with ourselves or with others. Thinking, speech, and bodily acts are our own manifestations. You are your action. You are what you do, not only what you do with your body, but also with your words and your mind. Karma is a triple action of our thoughts, our speech, and our bodily actions.

Notes from the book

Throughout our day, we produce energies of thought, speech, and action. We’re communicating in every moment, either with ourselves or with others. Thinking, speech, and bodily acts are our own manifestations. You are your action. You are what you do, not only what you do with your body, but also with your words and your mind. Karma is a triple action of our thoughts, our speech, and our bodily actions.