When you feel like a part of the whole, you feel connected to it all. Like the trees, the birds and the flowers you feel one with nature. Being. Connected. In the moment.

Morning ritual. It’s good to have one if not too many. What’s your morning ritual?

Let the fragrance of the flowers linger on into the winters long after they are gone from your garden. So looking forward to getting my hands on this tee with my roses!

Spread your words like flowers if you may…

“That which God said to the rose, and caused it to laugh in full-blown beauty, He said to my heart, and made it a hundred times more beautiful.” – Rumi

Canadian goldenrod has several medicinal benefits but after reading about it realized it can cause allergies too. That very moment hub started sneezing and has been at it for a while…

Heartful leaves! Pothos often known as money plant in India, is easy to care for and definitely enriches my living space!

Yellow petunias do brighten up my living space.

Be in the now.

We often avoid situations that bring us any degree of discomfort. Perhaps to avoid the feelings and emotions attached. Once we accept it as it is, we also accept the discomfort. There is comfort in this and somewhere also a learning.

Our environment often shapes us. It either brings out the best in us or the worst and sometimes in between. It’s never a surety what the world will offer. However, we can offer what we’ve got, for sure! In the process, we might change the world or at least some part of it and help shape it instead. Bloom

What are you choosing today?

Morning rituals are good to have! What’s your morning ritual?

This tiny book of wisdom of the ‘Four Agreements’ by Don Miguel Ruiz is so full of deep insights that always serve as a ready reckoner!

This tiny book of wisdom of the ‘Four Agreements’ by Don Miguel Ruiz is so full of deep insights that always serve as a ready reckoner!