A closer look…breathe easy…notes from the book How To Relax by Thich Nhat Hahn!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 344 Breathe Easy… Whenever you’re carried away by thinking, overwhelmed by strong emotions or feeling restless and dispersed, return to your breathing. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 316 Inhale…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 314 Rise above your thoughts…

Be in the now…Let there light…Let there be love…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 313 Before I say goodnight…A soothing color palette to nudge you into the snooze land…

On the easel today…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 310 Sometimes I am left wondering what is it that my heart desires… What is it that my mind conspires… Why is there a constant want…What is it that I want to flaunt… Breathe Easy…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 310 Sometimes I am left wondering what is it that my heart desires… What is it that my mind conspires… Why is there a constant want…What is it that I want to flaunt… Breathe Easy…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 309 A silent prayer in my journal today…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 307 More words, more thoughts and yet more layers…Breathe easy…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 286 Breathe Easy… Playing around with inks and water!!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 265 Hiding among the flowers…

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 198 Breathe Easy

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 194 What’s on your mind?