As I sit down to jot my thoughts, she often snuggles next to me. Today, I wanted to just settle on the staircase and take a breather or two. The soft sound of her breathing, that deep inhale that we seldom experience in our shallow daily “doingness”, it’s so assuring.

As if nothing else matters, as if she has all that she needs and desires. As if her world is complete. I envy her ‘doggyness’!!

I plan to do some deep breathing of my own this weekend, hope you will to!


Her doggyness!

As I sit down to jot my thoughts, she often snuggles next to me.
Today, I wanted to just settle on the staircase and take a breather or two. The soft sound of her breathing, that deep inhale that we seldom experience in our shallow daily “doingness”, it’s so assuring.

As if nothing else matters, as if she has all that she needs and desires. As if her world is complete. 
I envy her ‘doggyness’!! I plan to do some deep breathing of my own this weekend, hope you will to!


Her doggyness!

Daily Art Journaling ~ Day 344 Breathe Easy… Whenever you’re carried away by thinking, overwhelmed by strong emotions or feeling restless and dispersed, return to your breathing. ~ Thich Nhat Hanh