Express… #express #artjournalpage #randomdoodles #create #letgo


Seek sunshine… #seeksunshine #artjournalpage #butterflies #artjournalingpractice

Seek sunshine…

Just some words today…in my art journal page…speak up…talk…listen…

Today… Look closely…see more… While listening to the audio book Heart of the Soul, this sort of stuck in my head and I have been pondering on it since. Taking it as my Mantra for now…

And it’s tea time again…something to ponder on…a few notes from the book…The Ultimate Happiness Prescription by Deepak Chopra… @deepakchopra

Love building layers on top of layers…sometimes it takes a lot of layers before the blooms show up…

Say thanks…

Cherish each day as it is…

Doodles and more doodles…

Every moment, hold the knowing of that moment…

Some layers show up while some stay hidden, underlying the chaos deep within…

Yes! The universe loves me and it is always backing me up…a little prayer for today… Give thanks… thanks

Seek joy always…