Healing Art

Hello! Hi and Namaste!

Thanks for joining me on this journey today. You will not only learn the benefits of intuitive art journaling you might learn to master peace within. Perhaps even create a masterpiece or two on the way! Allow your mind to take a plunge into your he(art). Be the joyful, soulful you!

Let’s do a little exercise first. Yes, it might involve some stretching. Stretching of the mind and stretching of the imagination.

Close your eyes and observe your mind for a moment. Take a deep breath and imagine that you are inhaling in all the goodness that surrounds you. When you breathe out exhale all that you don’t need, everything that is not serving you. Focus on your feelings and the inner chatter.

Is it telling you a story? A story that you like or a story that you would like to change?

Imagine you are standing in front of a beautiful golden door. You move towards it and open it gently with both hands stretched in front of you. The golden light flows in towards you and you reach out to receive it with open arms. Step into your POWER. Gather all the golden light in the palms of your hands. Close the hands and bring them closer to your heart. Open them up and keep them rested there for a moment. Open your eyes and put your hands on the paper in front of you.

Inhale deeply.

Listen to the meditation

Golden Door Meditation

What is your inner chatter telling you now? Is there a message in there? What are you thinking and feeling? Make some notes. Are there any words to describe the feeling? We often loose ourselves in these entangled threads of thoughts and feelings? We also loose our intuitions and an overall sense of self. Sometimes our thoughts weigh us down. They also free us at times. We feel light when we are thinking happy thoughts. They just lift us up!

Art journaling is an amazing self care routine for me. It helps me unwind and re-focus. It’s like having a friend you can always confide in. 

It’s always there to listen to me. 


When I am contained within, I am still.
When I am empty within, I spill.


Do you like to grow plants and take care of them. Don’t you do it with a lot of love and care. Our mind is also like a garden. Weeds may start to appear, especially when we are not around. It may get infested by bugs when we are not paying attention. 

When your mind is full, let it empty out in to your art journal. Tend to your mind as if you would tend to your garden.

If we could plant good thoughts and cultivate them, our mind will be a beautiful space to reside in. Removing thoughts that do not serve us will help clear the rich mind space for something beautiful and enriching to grow. Takes a lot of practice but it’s possible. 

Art Supplies:

For this healing art journaling session you can use any art supplies you have available with you. Nothing fancy. A good old pencil, pen or a crayon will do. You may use acrylic paints or watercolors if you want. Don’t forget the paper!

Steps to follow:

  1. Listen to the meditation and focus on your thoughts.
  2. What are your thoughts telling you? What story is being woven for you in the moment? Start jotting down all the words on paper. Let the jots be random, just like the thoughts that are floating in your head.
  3. Use different media to write if you want some variation.
  4. Start doodling some flowers on top of this. You may draw a flower vase as well. Remember you are planting good thoughts. That’s the intent here.
  5. After you are done drawing your garden or your floral arrangement, start blocking the negative shapes with either a white or any light paint. Cover all the area outside of the floral doodles. Let some of the layers underneath show through. That’s what life is all about, with all its layers, no?
  6. After it is all dry and done, take a moment to reflect. Take it all in. Inhale the goodness you just created. Do not judge what you see. Carry this intention throughout your day as you go about your daily chores.
  7. If it feels good, repeat!
  8. Feel free to write in to me and share your experience.

You can also join my private Facebook Group to keep in touch!

Here’s a time lapse video of the process. Enjoy!

Another one for inspiration! Remember to breathe easy!

A few simple Art Journaling Prompts for you:

Look around, when you go on a nature walk, pause and observe everything around you. Do you notice something new or maybe notice it for the first time, while it was always there. Stop and ponder. Look for signs. Did you see a dragonfly, what does it symbolize?

I love watching the glow worms this time of the year. Is there something that caught your attention in the past few days?

Make some notes in your journal when you come back from the walk. Does the message resonate with you or your life situation? Which is your favorite bloom? What does it tell you? Draw it if you want. WrIte a few words if you want.

Allow your mind
to take a plunge
into your HeART!