Category: Art Journal
Oh! That Friday feeling!
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Discovering little hidden treasures in and around the house. This one is from the neighbor’s garden. Grace and faithfulness, what a beautiful combination…represented by this vibrant bloom.
Discovering little hidden treasures in and around the house. This one is from the neighbor’s garden. Grace and faithfulness, what a beautiful combination…represented by this vibrant bloom.
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The cutest ‘thief’ ever!
She loves to play tug of war with it and is always sneaking into the laundry just to steal one. Look at that glimmer in her eyes and that look, who can scold this angel 🙂
The cutest ‘thief’ ever! She loves to play tug of war with it and is always sneaking into the laundry just to steal one. Look at that glimmer in her eyes and that look, who can scold this angel 🙂
[igp-video src=”” poster=”‘thief-ever-she-loves-to-play-tug-of-war-with-it-and-is-always-sneaking-into-the-laundr.jpg” size=”large”]
A little prayer
A little prayer and some gratitude is always needed, now than ever before…a few years back I slipped and twisted my knee, it took me a whole year to heal. I love capturing shots of my feet in all the places they take me to. All the adventures and all the paths that are still…
A little prayer and some gratitude is always needed, now than ever before…a few years back I slipped and twisted my knee, it took me a whole year to heal. I love capturing shots of my feet in all the places they take me to. All the adventures and all the paths that are still left to be discovered. Thanks for taking me places…
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Instagram Image
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It’s often in the midst of this blast of colors I discover myself.
It’s often in the midst of this blast of colors I discover myself.
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