Category: Art Journal
Open. Close. Close your eyes and open your mind. What’s your mind telling you? Listen to it. What’s all the chatter about? What’s the story? Is it about the stuff and things, the joys and sorrows all that brings. Is it about someone who said some words that are swooping around like murmuring birds? Whatever it is, you need to let it all go. Focus on your breath and let it flow. In and out. Deep and slow.
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Open. Close. Close your eyes and open your mind. What’s your mind telling you? Listen to it. What’s all the chatter about? What’s the story? Is it about the stuff and things, the joys and sorrows all that brings. Is it about someone who said some words that are swooping around like murmuring birds? Whatever it is, you need to let it all go. Focus on your breath and let it flow. In and out. Deep and slow.
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Open. Close. Close your eyes and open your mind. What’s your mind telling you? Listen to it. What’s all the chatter about? What’s the story? Is it about the stuff and things, the joys and sorrows all that brings. Is it about someone who said some words that are swooping around like murmuring birds? Whatever it is, you need to let it all go. Focus on your breath and let it flow. In and out. Deep and slow.
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Cleopatra credited aloe vera for her well-nourished beautiful skin, it is also reputed to bring good luck and optimism into a living space. I have never really used it for the get but always admire it whenever I look at it!
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Cleopatra credited aloe vera for her well-nourished beautiful skin, it is also reputed to bring good luck and optimism into a living space. I have never really used it for the get but always admire it whenever I look at it!
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Cleopatra credited aloe vera for her well-nourished beautiful skin, it is also reputed to bring good luck and optimism into a living space. I have never really used it for the get but always admire it whenever I look at it!
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Always available to perk up any meal! The curry leaves have numerous health benefits too.
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Always available to perk up any meal! The curry leaves have numerous health benefits too.
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Always available to perk up any meal! The curry leaves have numerous health benefits too.
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A zillion shades of green
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Don’t know who said it, but quite a thoughtful thing to say…
[igp-video src=”” poster=”’t-know-who-said-it-but-quite-a-thoughtful-thing-to-say…-flowers-notestoself-procreateapp.jpg” size=”large”]
Don’t know who said it, but quite a thoughtful thing to say…
[igp-video src=”” poster=”’t-know-who-said-it-but-quite-a-thoughtful-thing-to-say…-flowers-notestoself-procreateapp-1.jpg” size=”large”]