Category: Art Journal
Fill the moments with joy. Here and now.
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Our environment often shapes us. It either brings out the best in us or the worst and sometimes in between. It’s never a surety what the world will offer. However, we can offer what we’ve got, for sure! In the process, we might change the world or at least some part of it and help shape it instead. Bloom
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What are you choosing today?
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Instagram Image
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Instagram Image
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Morning rituals are good to have! What’s your morning ritual?
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I usually like to sketch and doodle before I begin my weekdays…I find immense flow and joy in this activity!
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At Peace
Are you at peace with all that will unfurl and all that will show up? Take a deep breath and surrender. Surrender to the isness. To the moments. To the here and now.
A Quote
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Our minds are often pacing, mostly racing. It takes effort to slow down and take a brief pause. The good that comes out of that moment is always great.
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Breathe. Easy.
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