Category: Art Journal
There’s always time to doodle!
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Do you agree?
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There’s always time to doodle!
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When we take a close look at our thoughts and feelings, we pause for a moment and in that gap we find the truth. Our world resonates with the feelings we radiate. Take care.
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When we take a close look at our thoughts and feelings, we pause for a moment and in that gap we find the truth. Our world resonates with the feelings we radiate. Take care.
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Everything all boils down to how you think. Being positive doesn’t mean you are overlooking the facts, it means you have faith and hope and are willing to make changes.
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Everything all boils down to how you think. Being positive doesn’t mean you are overlooking the facts, it means you have faith and hope and are willing to make changes.
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A healing prayer… As I pour love and kindness into my heart. It circulates love and kindness into my entire system. I feel it in all my cells and I radiate with love and kindness.
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When you feel like a part of the whole, you feel connected to it all. Like the trees, the birds and the flowers you feel one with nature. Being. Connected. In the moment.
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Morning ritual. It’s good to have one if not too many. What’s your morning ritual?
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