Category: Art Journal
When we look at our life as a compilation of life situations and habits that we form on the way, what seems to stand out is our ability to understand, analyze and take action. These actions, over time, formalize into habits. The dictionary defines habits as an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. I am curious by nature, curious in a good way. I am always ready to ask questions when in doubt because I’m not particularly eager to jump to conclusions. It’s best to ask than to sit there and analyze. I like to learn new things. I also have the habit of checking in regularly with my people. Inculcating the habit of gratefulness has immensely helped me. I find meaning in staying inspired as well as in inspiring others. I know I do need to give up on some of my habits! What habits have served you well? What new habits are you looking to develop in the coming time? Do you think this statement is valid? Does it resonate with you? So far, what practices have helped you the most?
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When we look at our life as a compilation of life situations and habits that we form on the way, what seems to stand out is our ability to understand, analyze and take action. These actions, over time, formalize into habits. The dictionary defines habits as an acquired behavior pattern regularly followed until it has become almost involuntary. I am curious by nature, curious in a good way. I am always ready to ask questions when in doubt because I’m not particularly eager to jump to conclusions. It’s best to ask than to sit there and analyze. I like to learn new things. I also have the habit of checking in regularly with my people. Inculcating the habit of gratefulness has immensely helped me. I find meaning in staying inspired as well as in inspiring others. I know I do need to give up on some of my habits! What habits have served you well? What new habits are you looking to develop in the coming time? Do you think this statement is valid? Does it resonate with you? So far, what practices have helped you the most?
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While trying to figure out today’s wordle, I also started doodling in my tiny journal. The paper is not so great for watercolor but nonetheless I went on with it. It takes a while to get used to waiting for something to set, no? Well, the wordle word for the day spells it all out! It takes ‘skill’! It takes a while for good to get better, and better, best.
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While trying to figure out today’s wordle, I also started doodling in my tiny journal. The paper is not so great for watercolor but nonetheless I went on with it. It takes a while to get used to waiting for something to set, no? Well, the wordle word for the day spells it all out! It takes ‘skill’! It takes a while for good to get better, and better, best.
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Sunday musings!
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Sunday musings!
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As I finished my breakfast, it was almost noon, (yes I overslept), I spotted these on the mint leaves!
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As I finished my breakfast, it was almost noon, (yes I overslept), I spotted these on the mint leaves!
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While on my morning walk today, the usual daily stepping-out routine was a cold morning or noon? Cold noon. Well, I had forgotten to wear my warm Woolley cap, and of course, my ears were freezing. I rubbed my ears and kept my hands warm while concentrating on the trail, hoping not to slip on any icy sleety leaves. I kept walking. Standing there for a bit for the dog to catch up with its sniffing, I felt a soft, warm fuzz of air against my face. It was warm and cozy. I stood there for a few minutes and looked up in wonder. Was the sun extra kind to me today, or was it an angel hovering over! Up there was a window reflecting the sunshine.
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While on my morning walk today, the usual daily stepping-out routine was a cold morning or noon? Cold noon. Well, I had forgotten to wear my warm Woolley cap, and of course, my ears were freezing. I rubbed my ears and kept my hands warm while concentrating on the trail, hoping not to slip on any icy sleety leaves. I kept walking. Standing there for a bit for the dog to catch up with its sniffing, I felt a soft, warm fuzz of air against my face. It was warm and cozy. I stood there for a few minutes and looked up in wonder. Was the sun extra kind to me today, or was it an angel hovering over! Up there was a window reflecting the sunshine.
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Go to sleep grateful…
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Not sure who said that but isn’t that so? Did you wake up happy today?
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