Month: May 2018
Just a thought…
[igp-video src=”” poster=”…-justathought-notestoself-artjournalingdaily-dailyart.jpg” size=”large”]
Just a thought…
Just a thought…
Floral doodles…inky layers#inky doodlesfloral doodles
Floral doodles…inky layers#inky doodlesfloral doodles
Yes, I ought to… Create…
[igp-video src=”” poster=”…-create…-createdaily-create-beinthenow.jpg” size=”large”]
Yes, I ought to…Create…
Yes, I ought to…Create…
Painting on a tiny wood panel… Love making layers of paint and doodles…As always…
[igp-video src=”” poster=”…-love-making-layers-of-paint-and-doodles…as-always…-abstractbloo.jpg” size=”large”]
Painting on a tiny wood panel…Love making layers of paint t and doodles…As always…
Painting on a tiny wood panel…Love making layers of paint t and doodles…As always…
A splash of roses from the garden…
[igp-video src=”” poster=”…-dailyart-roseseason-abstractblooms-abstractflorals-colorsplash.jpg” size=”large”]
A splash of roses from the garden…
A splash of roses from the garden…
Quick doodles on my iPad today…this weather makes me so sleepy…just trying to avoid dozing off…while Pepper perches on her fav chair!
[igp-video src=”” poster=”…this-weather-makes-me-so-sleepy…just-trying-to-avoid-dozing-off…jpg” size=”large”]
Quick doodles on my iPad today.